Tuesday, 5 May 2009

AYA - Strange Flower (2004)

1) Looking For The Sun
2) Slippin'
3) Nobody Knows Me
4) You're Not The Only One
5) Uptown
6) 45 Parade Place
7) I'll Never Give In
8) Do What You Want
9) Afterhours
10) Uptown (Dub)
11) Put Your Faith In Us
12) Sean
13) Curtain Call
14) Lullaby For Stephen


Soulful said...


trakbuv said...

Great LP that did nothing on release, or re-release. First picked up on her on a Naked Music NYC CD if I recall correctly - whose sound infuses throughout this very cool CD.

troods said...

Sweetness and light, beautiful. Thank you.