Monday, 27 April 2009


I have posted three cracking rare groove albums from the late 1980s below, but unless I get lots of comments from you guys I'm not gonna post the download links. It only takes a few seconds to say thanks but it takes me the minimum of one hour just to upload one album. So, get writing everybody - no comments = no links.

The three links are now available folks. Enjoy!


Juppel50 said...

Many thx for posting and all the good work, you are doing.

Best wishes

Benny said...

Hi Soulful,
You're absolutely right! I found many outstanding ones on your site and still owe you many thanks. You really doing an outstanding job in putting up the 80's and beyond. Is there a way to get your e-mail? Love your blog!
Peace Frank

Soulful said...

Thanks guys. Frank if you go onto my profile you will see a link to my email.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your hard work and time in exposing this great music to a larger audience of people into 'soul n r&b'.

shaggy said...

i have not seen these albums for years, what an inspired post

freethewearsideone said...

Thank you very much appreciated said...

U're right man.

You deserves lot's of thx !!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your hard work.